Is Gymshark a Fast Fashion Brand? Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Production PracticesIs Gymshark a Fast Fashion Brand? Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Production Practices

Is Gymshark a Fast Fashion Brand? Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Production Practices


Gymshark, a popular fitness apparel brand, has gained significant attention in recent years for its trendy designs and active social media presence. However, as concerns about sustainability and ethical production practices continue to grow, many consumers are questioning whether Gymshark falls into the category of fast fashion. In this article, we will delve into the truth behind Gymshark’s production practices to determine if they can be considered a fast fashion brand.

What is Fast Fashion?

Before we analyze Gymshark’s production practices, it is essential to understand what fast fashion entails. Fast fashion refers to the rapid production and consumption of inexpensive clothing items, often inspired by the latest fashion trends. These items are typically produced using low-cost materials and labor, resulting in a high turnover of styles and a significant environmental impact.

Gymshark’s Manufacturing Process

Gymshark has positioned itself as a brand that caters to fitness enthusiasts, offering a wide range of activewear and athleisure clothing. To determine if Gymshark is a fast fashion brand, we need to examine their manufacturing process.

Materials Used

Gymshark primarily uses synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon in their clothing. These materials are known for their durability and moisture-wicking properties, making them suitable for athletic activities. However, the production of synthetic materials involves the use of fossil fuels and can contribute to microplastic pollution when washed.

Production Timeline

Fast fashion brands are notorious for their quick turnaround times, with new styles hitting the shelves every few weeks. Gymshark, on the other hand, releases new collections periodically but not as frequently as traditional fast fashion brands. Their production timeline seems to be more focused on quality rather than quantity.

Labor Practices

One of the key aspects of fast fashion is the exploitation of cheap labor in developing countries. Gymshark claims to have a strong commitment to ethical production practices and ensures that their suppliers adhere to strict labor standards. They have implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines their expectations regarding fair wages, safe working conditions, and no child labor.

Sustainability Efforts

While fast fashion is often associated with unsustainable practices, Gymshark has taken steps to minimize their environmental impact.

Recycled Materials

Gymshark has started incorporating recycled materials into their clothing, such as recycled polyester made from plastic bottles. This initiative helps reduce the demand for virgin materials and decreases the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

Reducing Water Consumption

The fashion industry is notorious for its high water consumption during the production process. Gymshark has implemented water-saving techniques in their manufacturing facilities to minimize their water footprint. They also encourage customers to wash their clothing in cold water and use eco-friendly detergents to further reduce water usage.

Transparency and Communication

One of the distinguishing factors between fast fashion brands and more sustainable alternatives is transparency. Gymshark has made efforts to communicate their production practices and sustainability initiatives to their customers.

Supplier Audits

Gymshark conducts regular audits of their suppliers to ensure compliance with their Supplier Code of Conduct. These audits help identify any potential issues and allow for corrective actions to be taken promptly.

Public Reporting

Gymshark publishes an annual sustainability report that provides detailed information about their environmental and social impact. This report allows customers to make informed decisions about supporting the brand based on their sustainability efforts.


After analyzing Gymshark’s production practices, it is evident that they cannot be classified as a traditional fast fashion brand. While they do share some characteristics with fast fashion, such as the use of synthetic materials, Gymshark has made significant efforts to prioritize sustainability and ethical production practices. Their commitment to transparency and communication further sets them apart from typical fast fashion brands. However, it is essential for consumers to continue questioning and holding brands accountable to ensure a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.


  1. “What is Fast Fashion?” – Good On You
  2. Gymshark Official Website
  3. Gymshark Sustainability Report

Table: Gymshark’s Sustainability Initiatives

Initiative Description
Recycled Materials Incorporating recycled polyester made from plastic bottles into clothing
Reducing Water Consumption Implementing water-saving techniques in manufacturing facilities
Supplier Audits Regular audits of suppliers to ensure compliance with ethical standards
Public Reporting Publishing an annual sustainability report for transparency