The Evolution of Women’s Fashion in the 1910s: A Glimpse into the Glamorous Era


The 1910s marked a significant period in the evolution of women’s fashion. This era witnessed a departure from the restrictive corsets and voluminous skirts of the previous decades, giving way to more practical and liberating styles. The fashion of the 1910s reflected the changing roles and aspirations of women during this time. Let’s take a closer look at the key trends and influences that shaped women’s fashion in the 1910s.

Silhouette and Silhouette Changes

One of the most notable changes in women’s fashion during the 1910s was the shift in silhouette. The hourglass figure, popularized in the late 19th century, gave way to a more slender and elongated silhouette. The S-shaped curve, achieved through the use of corsets, was replaced by a straighter and more natural line.

Women began to embrace a more relaxed and comfortable style, with looser-fitting garments that allowed for greater freedom of movement. The introduction of the hobble skirt in the early 1910s exemplified this shift towards a more practical and less constricting fashion. The hobble skirt, named for its narrow and tapered shape, restricted the wearer’s stride, but it was a departure from the excessively voluminous skirts of the previous decades.

Key Fashion Influences

The fashion of the 1910s was heavily influenced by several key factors. The changing social and political landscape, as well as advancements in technology, played a significant role in shaping women’s fashion during this era.

One of the major influences on women’s fashion in the 1910s was the women’s suffrage movement. As women fought for their right to vote and gained more independence, their fashion choices reflected this newfound freedom. The practical and less restrictive styles of the 1910s were a reflection of women’s changing roles and aspirations.

Advancements in technology also had a profound impact on women’s fashion during this time. The invention of the sewing machine and the availability of ready-to-wear clothing made fashion more accessible to a wider range of women. This led to a democratization of fashion, with women from different social classes being able to participate in the latest trends.

Key Fashion Trends

The 1910s saw the emergence of several key fashion trends that defined the era. These trends were influenced by a variety of factors, including art movements, popular culture, and societal changes.

1. Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau, an art movement characterized by its organic and flowing forms, had a significant influence on women’s fashion in the 1910s. The use of curved lines, floral motifs, and intricate detailing was reflected in the designs of dresses, accessories, and even hairstyles.

2. Orientalism

The fascination with the East and Oriental cultures also influenced women’s fashion in the 1910s. Kimono-inspired robes, turbans, and exotic prints became popular, reflecting a growing interest in travel and exploration.

3. The “New Woman”

The concept of the “New Woman,” a term used to describe independent and progressive women, was a major influence on fashion in the 1910s. Women began to embrace more practical and functional clothing, such as tailored suits and shirtwaist dresses, which allowed for greater mobility and reflected their changing roles in society.

Accessories and Hairstyles

Accessories played a crucial role in completing the fashionable look of women in the 1910s. Hats, gloves, and parasols were essential accessories that added a touch of elegance and sophistication to any outfit.

Hairstyles also underwent significant changes during this era. The elaborate updos of the Edwardian era gave way to more natural and relaxed hairstyles. Women began to wear their hair in loose curls or waves, often adorned with decorative combs or headbands.


The fashion of the 1910s marked a departure from the restrictive and exaggerated styles of the previous decades. Women embraced more practical and comfortable clothing, reflecting their changing roles and aspirations. The fashion trends of the 1910s were influenced by a variety of factors, including social and political changes, advancements in technology, and popular culture. This era witnessed the emergence of new silhouettes, key fashion influences, and trends that continue to inspire and influence fashion today.