Unveiling the Earnings: How Much Does a Fashion Editor Really Make?Unveiling the Earnings: How Much Does a Fashion Editor Really Make?

Unveiling the Earnings: How Much Does a Fashion Editor Really Make?


When it comes to the glamorous world of fashion, many aspire to become a fashion editor. With their impeccable sense of style and influence over trends, fashion editors are often seen as the ultimate authority in the industry. However, one question that lingers in the minds of many aspiring fashion editors is: how much do they really make?

The Role of a Fashion Editor

Before diving into the earnings, it’s important to understand the role of a fashion editor. Fashion editors are responsible for curating and creating content for fashion publications, both online and offline. They work closely with designers, photographers, and stylists to bring the latest trends and fashion stories to life.

Additionally, fashion editors attend fashion shows, events, and industry parties, networking with influential figures in the fashion world. They also have the power to shape trends and influence consumer behavior through their editorial choices.

Factors Affecting Earnings

Several factors come into play when determining the earnings of a fashion editor. These factors include:

  • Experience: Like any profession, experience plays a significant role in determining earnings. Fashion editors with more years of experience often command higher salaries.
  • Publication: The publication a fashion editor works for can also impact their earnings. Editors at prestigious fashion magazines or high-end publications tend to earn more compared to those at smaller, niche publications.
  • Location: The location of the fashion editor’s job can also affect their earnings. Fashion capitals like New York, Paris, and Milan often offer higher salaries compared to smaller cities.
  • Network and Influence: Fashion editors with a strong network and significant influence in the industry may have more opportunities for higher-paying projects and collaborations.

Average Earnings

While the earnings of fashion editors can vary greatly depending on the factors mentioned above, it’s possible to estimate an average range. According to industry reports, the average salary of a fashion editor falls between $50,000 to $100,000 per year.

However, it’s important to note that this range can be significantly higher for fashion editors working at top-tier publications or with extensive experience. Some fashion editors at prestigious magazines can earn well into the six-figure range.

Additional Perks and Benefits

Aside from their base salary, fashion editors often enjoy additional perks and benefits that contribute to their overall compensation package. These perks may include:

  • Free designer clothing and accessories: Fashion editors often receive free clothing and accessories from designers, allowing them to stay on top of the latest trends without spending a fortune.
  • Invitations to exclusive events: Fashion editors are frequently invited to exclusive fashion events, parties, and runway shows, providing them with unique experiences and networking opportunities.
  • Travel opportunities: Fashion editors may have the chance to travel to fashion weeks and industry events around the world, all expenses paid.
  • Industry recognition: Being a fashion editor comes with a certain level of prestige and recognition within the industry, which can open doors to other lucrative opportunities.


While the earnings of a fashion editor can vary depending on various factors, it’s safe to say that they can earn a comfortable living. However, it’s important to remember that becoming a fashion editor requires hard work, dedication, and a deep passion for the industry.

So, if you’re dreaming of a career as a fashion editor, be prepared to put in the effort and build your network. With the right combination of talent, experience, and connections, you could find yourself not only making a living but also making a mark in the world of fashion.


1. Fashionista – “How Much Money Do Fashion Editors Really Make?”

2. Business of Fashion – “The Salaries of Fashion Editors Revealed”

3. Vogue – “What Does a Fashion Editor Actually Do?”

Table: Average Salaries of Fashion Editors

Publication Average Salary
Vogue $80,000 – $150,000
Elle $60,000 – $100,000
Harper’s Bazaar $70,000 – $120,000
Glamour $50,000 – $90,000